The American standard electric wafer soft-sealed butterfly valve has a beautiful appearance, and its valve body, valve plate and valve shaft are designed with a concentric structure.
In the face of so many valve classification and so complex working conditions, it is necessary to select the most suitable valve product for pipeline system installation.
The safety valve has great value and significance for safe operation and ensuring safe operation. In order to give play to the actual value and function of the safety valve, it is very important to pay attention to details in the process of use.
Low protection level: the valve motor for Denso is fully enclosed squirrel cage structure, short-time intermittent working system (10min) self-cooling type.
The control valve is widely used in oil refining and chemical industry. It is used to control the flow rate, pressure and liquid level of the fluid in the production process...
Working condition of high temperature including high temperature, high temperature Ⅰ Ⅱ, high temperature, high temperature Ⅲ Ⅳ, high temperature, high temperature Ⅴ level...
Manual valve is a valve operated by handle and handwheel. It is a common valve used in equipment pipeline.Its handle, hand wheel rotation direction clockwise is closed, counterclockwise is open.
Pre-maintenance of new valves before operation is a progressive construction concept to protect valve seat seals from seat damage during installation, welding and commissioning